We are dedicated to transforming medical device innovation with comprehensive advisory services and strategic global distribution services.

Changing the course of 
the healthcare industry


Changing the course of 
the healthcare industry

Much of the innovation in the healthcare industry comes from technology companies who need guides as they go to market in the complex landscape of medical regulations, clinical trials, distribution, and market growth.

Navigating these waters takes time and expertise, so Michael Droege and Rob Nathan founded Fair Winds Medical to address this need for new medical technologies to get into the hands of patients more quickly and efficiently.

Michael and Rob have assembled a team of industry experts leading each division for our clients, including compliance, business development, sales, and marketing, along with strategic partners for whatever additional needs our clients may have. We also have a medical advisory board of some of the top physicians and surgeons in the United States, and our group of more than 74 global distributors ensure efficient market entry, broad reach and operational efficiency.

Michael T. Droege
Michael T. Droege

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Droege has more than 23 years of global medical device experience and expertise. He is responsible for advising clients in all aspects of their medical device businesses, including corporate mission, bespoke strategies, revenue-generating partnerships, worldwide distribution relationships, product management, and sales and marketing.

Robert (Rob) Nathan

Co-Founder & Chairman

Robert (Rob) Nathan is the Co-Founder and Chairman of Fair Winds Medical. Mr. Nathan has more than 25 years of financial industry experience, specializing in the areas of sourcing equity, structuring debt, and securing mezzanine financings for emerging companies.

What our partners are saying

Fair Winds has opened the door of opportunity for growth within my practice, allowing me to collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in the health technology industry. This has helped cultivate networking relationships and ultimately products that serve the greater good of advancing healthcare.

Dr. Mark Schultzel, MD, MBA, FAAOS, FAOA
Dr. Mark Schultzel, MD

Norman and Teresa at Fair Winds are incredibly knowledgeable about Recupe. They’ve exceeded expectations by holding monthly meetings with our leadership team and hosted a virtual brunch-and-learn Q&A session with the entire team to clarify the importance of Recupe and the patient enrollment process.

Summit Orthopedic specialists
Summit Orthopedic Specialists

Interested in learning more?

We’re here to assist you. Reach out today, and let’s start the conversation.